
Installing Cowait on your local machine.


Cowait is a python library that packages and runs tasks in Docker containers, both locally and on Kubernetes. The base requirements are:


Cowait is available on Pypi, you can install it with pip:

python -m pip install cowait

We recommend installing in a virtual environment (virtualenv/venv) or using a python package manager such as Poetry or Pipenv.

To quickly get started with Cowait, we provide a slim Docker image (~59 MB) that includes the Cowait library. It is based on this Dockerfile. Pull the latest image.

docker pull cowait/task

You are now ready for your first steps.


If you would like to contribute to Cowait, you may install Cowait from source:

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd cowait
  1. It is recommended to first setup a virtual env of your choice. A pyproject.toml for Poetry is provided for your convenience in the root of the repository.
  2. Install the library using pip's editable mode.
python -m pip install -e .
  1. Make changes to the library. Note that changes to the cowait/ directory require a rebuild of the base image. You can do this with the provided helper script in the root of the repository:
  1. Note that tasks you use to test your new feature or bug-fix will have to be rebuilt with cowait build for the changes to take effect.

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